A Year to Innovate...

My boss reminded me in June that you won’t start to innovate until you get bored. Life and work is far from boring, but as I sit here on my last true Friday of summer (I teach summer school next week and then that leads right into school meetings the following) I am already thinking about what I can get up to this year.

For those of you that are new here, I haven’t been that active as a blogger the last two years. For those that haven’t dove into the “why” it’s because I switched schools two years ago. Due to uprooting the math program utilizing research the first year and then implementing what we hoped would prove to be impactful and successful the second, some of my global learning projects and big ideas had to take a back seat. I had to spend time connected to new materials and new grade levels alongside a new community.

BUT, I am here to say that I am back. While the changes in the math department will likely still take up a good amount of time, I am hopeful that I can begin to make changes in my daily curriculum that continue to put emphasis on the development of global competency (humility).

I don’t imagine something as BIG as the year long Kiva project yet, but good things are to come so keep checking in. To those of you heading back to work - GOOD LUCK! To those of you with a few weeks left of summer - soak it in. It’s going to be a great year ahead!