On the Eve of Year #21...

For months I have thought about writing and about collecting my thoughts on what the last 6 months have been like. Perhaps “for the best” I put it on my B list. I must say that the last 6 months of my life have been quite an adventure and perhaps as a reader you didn’t know that I had a baby in mid may and have been off since then. So why would this be important to my site?

I couldn’t quite put it to words. Yet often times when I reflected on my first few months of motherhood I would think about the experience being connected to cultural and global competence . At the very least I have been reflecting on the skills and behaviors that I have been wanting to teaching and instill in the kids in my classroom and how important they have been to the development of me as a first time mom. Resilience, Open mindedness, Empathy, Comfort with Unfamiliar, Humility…

So on this eve of my first day of school - November 2018- I begin to think about what I want out of this school year. This first month will certainly be about creating culture and community in my classroom. While I know that the boys were in good hands it will still be important that I take the time to build trust, encourage them to grow and challenge themselves, and of course laugh. Then, 2019 the pedagogy that I love will emerge a little bit more into the daily routines (global, tech, stem, etc..).

Certainly will be an adventure doing all of this in the month of December (and having been out of the classroom for 6 months- the longest streak in nearly 38 years I bet!)… and while my heart will be a little broken in the morning I am ready to get back to business!

More Reflection to Come… Here’s to 21!!!