Two weeks ago Jess Hansen of Kiva U emailed me to see if me and a few of the boys would able to come to on October 6th to present the work of Town School. An immediate YES, was followed by a scramble to get the boys on board and prepared. It was a trip well worth it.
Town School boys, Connor, James, Cole and Zack presented the following slides to a full room of employees, Chelsea Clinton team members (and Chelsea), news teams, Citi Bank Kiva U supporters, and Sacred Heart Prep High School seniors and teachers. The boys spoke eloquently and heartfelt about their experience modeling micro finance, how it felt to be borrowers and lenders and what the school has accomplished over the past 5 years. They toured the facility, had photo ops with Chelsea and Kiva employees, and enjoyed a day in which they were recognized for the work of all Town School Kiva lenders.
Cheers to an awesome day. We are thrilled to be part of this amazing community called KIVA U, recipients of signed copies of "It's Your World" by Chelsea Clinton, and will continue to be change makers for years to come!