It's a cold summer here in San Francisco, the fog has officially rolled in. This has enabled me to hibernate and get ready for my upcoming adventure to South Africa.
On August 3rd, I will arrive in Cape Town, South Africa. With the help of K2 Productions, Teach With Africa and the support of Town School I will be spending just over two weeks in Cape Town and Johannesburg. Alongside other educators, I will be helping to put on an Ed Tech Summit for LEAP Schools and other collaborating institutions.
The descriptions of my three 1 1/2 hour sessions are below and I encourage you to offer feedback, ideas, articles, movie clips etc... to support my endeavor. Please check in here, I will certainly be writing about my adventure.
The Flipped Classroom
"Flip" the traditional classroom on it's head and discover the how's and why's of this blended learning approach. Creating a classroom that maximizes and values student's active discovery time with teacher and peers allows students to learn not only the the abc's and 123's but the practical application of concepts alongside skills of collaboration, communication, and problem solving. Discover how to flip your classroom, what to expect from your students, what it will accomplish and how it will allow you to transform from "teacher on stage" to "guide on the side".
The Connected Educator: Social Media for Educators
Interested in becoming more "connected"? Not sure how facebook, twitter, pinterest and other popular social media sites could possibly help your classroom or your own professional learning network? Learn how these sites and others can be used to engage your students outside your class period. Organize work materials in one easy place. Discover how these sites can be use to engage professionally and allow you to network with other educators worldwide.
Project Based Learning in the Math Classroom
Discover the 8 essentials of project based learning and it's application to the math classroom. This student centered approach allows your classroom to transform into a space of inquiry and vehicle for developing and promoting 21st century skills. Participants will develop a better understanding of the elements and benefits of the approach. Community Solutions, financial literacy, algebraic equations, fractions, decimals, percents and proportions all wrapped up in engaging projects. Not a math teacher? Still plenty to learn and apply in your classroom.